MBTI and Spirituality – It’s amazing to mix them when you know what the letters mean.
I did a presentation and discussion a few years ago at my local CUUP‘s chapter study group on my two favorite subjects! Psychology and Spirituality! If you haven’t heard of Myers-Briggs 4 letter personality type test there is a *wonderful* introduction on their site here.
I’ve adapted it to a blog post as I feel we can grow so much spiritually from knowing our personality type preferences!
First, please note : everyone does everything. This is simply about preference, what your first ‘go to’ is.
Getting to know yourself helps clear out all the mundane stuff to make more room for the divine. When you are free and clear of emotional and mundane garbage, it’s easier to connect more simply with the divine.
More self-knowledge leads to knowing your strengths and I feel to be able to more fully celebrate them.
It allows you to stop pushing yourself to be mediocre at things you are weak in and let it go.
To get other people to fill in those blanks with their super powers so you have more time to do what you are best at! Knowing who you are (or at least having some idea!) and I think the assessment really helps! So much so I ended up becoming a Certified MBTI Practitioner.
Keep in mind as you answer the questions: How would you answer most of the time if you were to visit in on yourself at different points in your life? What would you answer most often?
Knowing this will get you closer to an accurate result the first time (some could possibly be one letter off without this mindset. The free assessments don’t typically explain this.)
E/I: Extrovert/Introvert: This requires special notice as our society has it *wrong* culturally about what an Extrovert and Introvert are. All extroverts aren’t obnoxious, loud and rude. Introvert doesn’t mean that someone who is quieter is smarter or is deep and reads more books. Or even that they are more introspective. It’s simply about what energizes you most. It’s about energy orientation.
Extrovert actually means–Preferred focus of one’s energy on the outer world – you feel energy from your external environment (and are energized by it) before going to your inner world.
Introvert actually means– Preferred orientation of focus on the inner world – you feel energy first from within your inner world (and are energized by it) before feeling it from your environment, people, and the outer world.
Onto the spiritual aspect:
Within Ritual
E- If you are an Extrovert -You may feel energized by going to public rituals and feeling that with others. Your growth point will be to not be afraid to feel that power by yourself and tap into it.
I- If you are an Introvert – It may feel good to have solitary and rituals with very small groups. Your growth point will be to go to a public ritual and allow yourself to feel the connections in your surroundings.
S/N: – Sensor or Intuitive–The second pair of psychological preferences is Sensing and Intuition. Do you pay more attention to information that comes in through your concrete real world solid five senses (Sensing)? Or to patterns and possibilities and “what if’s” you see in the information you receive (Intuition)?
Within Ritual
S-If you are a Sensor/Sensate then you’ll have faster connection with psychometry (touching an object and knowing about it) palmistry, scrying, tea leaves and feel more connection with tools and scents. Incense, rocks/crystals, smudging and everything that is real world solid will get there quicker. Sensors feel the tangible results in spirit and their presence here and now.
N- If you are an Intuitive you’ll have a faster connection with abstract visions, feelings, and emotions. A ‘knowing’ more like claircognizance but not necessarily feel that same connection when you touch an object. You may still feel it’s power and energy but not feel much of a connection to tools at all. Intuitive’s can sense the energy in a room and the health of a room or person. They know if someone is having fun, or doesn’t want to be there. Intuitive’s can say subtle things to help gear other’s mindset to a better place.
T/F: Thinker or Feeler T/F – When making decisions, do you prefer to first look at logic and consistency (Thinker) or first look at the people and special circumstances (Feeler)?
Within Ritual
If you are a Thinker – you’ll have great skill at researching old ways and have beautiful historically accurate rituals. I’ve noticed that most Druids are “Thinkers” and scholarly types. Thinkers can enjoy connecting with the art and science of what they feel spiritually to grow. It’s harder to let go and feel the connection to spirit at times but easier to logically process what is going on.
If you are a Feeler, you’ll have great skill at allowing yourself to go with the feeling at the time of ritual and feel deeply connected quickly. It will be growth oriented to dive into and research your passions. It’s easier to let go but harder to stop and logically process why you are feeling what you are feeling.
J/P:- Judging or Perceiving In dealing with the outside world, do you prefer to get things decided (J) or do you prefer to stay open to new information and options? (P)
Within ritual
J/P – If you are a Judger, this doesn’t mean you are judgmental, but are more of a ‘planner’. You’ll have great skill at planning beautiful rituals and the beauty with synchronizing items in a ritual for your desired outcome. Your growth point will be to go with the flow with unplanned rituals and get into chaos magic.
If you are a Perceiver, this means you’ll have great skill in going with the flow and minimal planning. This makes for a beautiful ‘in the moment’ experience. Your growth point will be to plan a ritual from start to finish and feel the excitement of looking forward to it in advance.